Gaming addiction and rage are on the rise, especially in teenagers and even young adults. Have you wondered what causes gamer rage? Part of the answer lies in the constant demand for instant gratification and having it taken away. The instantaneous loading of web pages, YouTube videos, and entertainment has not instilled patience in today’s children. Gaming also poses its own frustrations and may lead to your teen needing anger management. All parents should take the time to better understand their teen’s behaviour when it comes to video games and rage. If your teen is exhibiting these symptoms, it is time to seek treatment for your resistant teen.
At Venture Academy, our dedicated team of experienced professionals proudly provides addiction treatment programs specifically designed for teens. Our range of programs includes compassionate and comprehensive care for gaming addiction in teens. If you’re interested in learning how Venture Academy can help your teen overcome gamer rage and gaming addiction, contact our team online today or call us at 866.762.2211.
Identifying What Causes Gamer Rage
Knowing how to properly identify gamer rage and gaming addiction is essential when you have a teenager struggling with their moods, irritability, anxiety, and other mood disorders. One of the most common signs to watch for that your teenager may have an addiction to electronics is that they exhibit compulsive behaviour. This means that your teen feels the urge to access the internet or their electronic device to relieve stress. They desire electronics, games, or screen time over other activities. Hobbies and socialization with friends suffer.
More signs contributing to gamer rage include:
- Mood swings
- Mood disorders
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Loneliness
- A short temper
The last sign is a decline in personal care such as hygiene, getting dressed, remaining motivated, or sticking to goals. The addiction to games or devices must come first over anything else.
Understanding What Causes Gamer Rage and How to Stop It
Studies have shown that young teens and adolescents who exhibit gamer rage are often fueled by feelings of failure. They may even experience failure during a game. Making sure to notice when your teen starts to exhibit gamer rage is the first step in getting help. When you realize their personality changes while in front of an electronic device, you can finally get help.
Benefits of Teen Anger Management Programs
Once you understand how to identify an electronic addiction and how it has infiltrated your teen’s own life, you may begin to consider seeking a treatment program. Choosing a treatment program can help your teen face and overcome their addiction.
Specifically, find a gaming addiction program that can significantly help your teen to take control of their actions and behaviours in everyday life. Doing so will provide several advantages to help modify:
- Behaviours
- Issues
- Addictions
Benefits include a zero-tolerance environment. This helps keep your teen from potential triggers and temptations.
Another benefit is peer-to-peer support. Being surrounded by other individuals and peers their own age, teenagers are less likely to feel overwhelmed and intimidated. They are more likely to be open and honest with their current situation and habits.
The addiction program will help your teen relearn healthy behaviours through anger management for teens. The staff knows how to guide your teen onto a path that allows taking total control over their future and destiny.
Help Your Teen Overcome Gaming Addiction at Venture Academy
Are you looking for a gaming addiction treatment program for a teenager? Do you want to remove addictions to electronics, eliminate gamer rage, and understand the underlying causes or triggers of addictions? Contact Venture Academy online or at 866.762.2211 to learn more about adolescent addiction treatment programs, including for gaming addiction in teens. Get your teenager onto the road to recovery today with help from our Venture Academy staff.