If you’re a parent of a teen showing signs of drug use, it’s essential to seek treatment quickly. As teenagers strive for independence, it can be difficult to know if an underlying problem exists. Teenagers naturally branch out and distance themselves from parental influence, making it difficult to detect possible signs of drug abuse. However, it’s worth noting that substance abuse among teens is a common issue that continues to evolve. Do you know the warning signs of drug use? Either way, the following information covers the warning signs of drug use, along with an insight into addiction treatment options. Venture Academy strives to provide parents, families, and adolescents with the resources they need to not only identify dangerous or risky behaviours but overcome them.
3 Common Signs of Drug Use Parents Should Watch
As a parent with teenagers, it’s critical to notice the warning signs of drug use from the onset. It’s a challenge. While every parent and caregiver wants what’s best for the teen or adolescent in their life, constantly monitoring their behaviour can actually lead them into negative and risky practices as a form of rebellion. However, being too ‘hands-off’ can have the effect of making a young person feel worthless or unimportant. Often, this will lead them to act out to get noticed or turn to drugs and alcohol as a means to numb their feelings. Both behaviours are dangerous. To avoid either, parents and caregivers need to learn to subtly identify issues and the signs of drug use. These include social change, loss of motivation, and legal trouble are some of the many drug use symptoms parents must watch.
1. Social Change
Personality changes in teenagers often occur as they gain independence and experience hormonal changes. However, abnormal changes caused by drug use creates a much more severe situation. For example, your teenager finds a new crowd of friends as his or her grades fall, and personal hygiene is at a minimal.
2. Lack of Motivation
Many teens dealing with drug abuse lose interest and motivation in earning a college education and goals. Similarly, they lose excitement for sports, music, or hobbies that were once valuable to them. When someone becomes dependent upon a substance or addicted, their priorities become the substance and all else falls away. However, keep in mind that teens are constantly growing and changing so losing motivation or interest in a particular activity may just be a sign of natural growth.
3. Legal Trouble
If your teenager has always been good at following school rules and they suddenly begin getting in trouble, you may want to investigate matters further. Infractions can involve lying, skipping school, stealing, starting fights, or any number of other behavioural issues. All of these things can sometimes be signs of drug use.
Canada’s Leading Addiction Treatment Programs for Troubled Teens
At Venture Academy, we understand parents’ desire to provide their children with a proper upbringing. However, once your child becomes a teenager, they portray a strong desire for independence. As a result, this makes it difficult for parents to detect signs of drug use. Fortunately, there is medical expert care to help you identify possible warning signs of drug use for troubled teens.
Our drug and alcohol treatment program promotes a lasting recovery for teens with the delicate stage of adolescence in mind. We provide behavioural programs for youth that are struggling under the weight of substance abuse and addiction. Also, we offer a comprehensive over 18 program to assist older teens dealing with signs of drug use.
Fighting substance abuse can be a lonely process, but there is support available. You or your loved ones can break free from addiction with the help of a quality rehabilitation facility with unique treatment programs. Find out how we can help you get started on the path to healing. Contact us today at 866.762.2211.