underage drinking statistics

Underage Drinking Statistics

The dangers of teen drinking can cause extensive damage in the lives of teens and their parents. Underage drinking statistics indicate that teen drinking can lead to serious financial and legal problems. When this is paired with the fact that many teen drinkers grow up to become lifelong drinkers, drinking can also lead to serious…

world suicide prevention day

Observing World Suicide Prevention Day

Many teens struggle with depression, which can, unfortunately, lead them to thoughts or even attempts of suicide. This is why it is so important to recognize World Suicide Prevention Day as a time to cultivate awareness in your household and your community. If you have a teen in your home who is suffering from depression,…

vyvanse vs adderall

The Difference Between Vyvanse vs. Adderall

If you have a teen with ADHD, you may be aware that there are many different ADHD treatment options. However, it can be difficult to determine what’s best for your family. You may be confused about the differences between medications like Vyvanse vs. Adderall. Venture Academy can help you, and your teen determine which of…

social drinking

Risks of Social Drinking

The teen years are a highly impressionable time of life. Because of this, teens are especially susceptible to the pressures of social drinking. Social drinking is a serious problem that can lead to binge drinking and alcoholism. It can also be a gateway to other types of serious substance use. The repercussions for underage drinking…

support group

Benefits of a Support Group

Support groups offer many benefits to young people struggling with depression, low self-esteem, behavioural problems, and eating disorders. These benefits can improve not only your teen’s quality of life but can help to balance the equilibrium of your whole household. When a teen struggles with peer pressure issues, finding a peer group in the proper…
