Several hundred participants battled the elements today in West Kelowna for the Mudd, Sweat and Tears obstacle course.
The six or 12k obstacle course mud run was set at Crystal Mountain and promised participants a chance to reconnect with nature, climb heartbreaking slopes, be covered in tons of mud, climb obstacles and push their limits.
One of the event organizers, Jenny Morin, says the event was a total success.
“It is awesome, it is just great! There are so many people here and the energy is just amazing, it is a great time.”
“Teamwork is what we are seeing today as people help each other through the obstacles, there is amazing teamwork here,” she added.
As teams came screaming and cheering across the finish line, one woman was part of a mud-covered team handing out medals. She said, “It is great to see everyone come across the line, they are all so excited about what they have accomplished.”
Mudd, Sweat & Tears Kelowna 2014 offered a 6km or 12km option this year.
“Our courses combine the best organic and natural features found throughout each site, with a series of constructed obstacles, which will have you – crawling, climbing, swimming, carrying and dragging yourself, possibly fellow competitors, and a series of objects: up, over, under, through and around,” boasts their website.
The team also warns the event is not for the faint of heart or unprepared.
Participants finished dirty, muddy, scraped up, cold, physically and mentally punished, but still smiling.
A group of young women finished the race with enthusiasm, covered in mud and yelling, “It was awesome! For the eager beavers” as they sprinted to their medals.
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