Talking to your teen about any type of treatment can be a minefield. You might be concerned about how they will receive what you have to say, and you don’t want to push them away from receiving treatment. However, there are many ways of dealing with the issue. Learn more about several options that may help you discuss behavioural treatment with your teen, as well as how Venture Academy can provide support to you and your family.
Talk About Behavioural Treatment at the Right Moment
It can be awkward discussing serious issues with your child at the best of times, and the last thing you want is to be springing a chat on them when they are least receptive to it. Choosing the right moment is a delicate balance between avoiding the worst moments and ensuring the discussion still occurs. There might not ever be an ideal time to broach the subject of residential treatment with your teen. Your best option is to pick one of “the least worst” times and be firm.
Some of the best times to raise the subject of behavioural treatment include:
- After an evening meal – They are at the table with you, they’ve just eaten, and they will be calmer
- When they’re bored – Once your teen has eaten, done their homework, and exhausted their activity of choice, you can jump in and start a chat
- On your way home from something they enjoy – They will have had their fun without you nagging them, and you have them in the car so they can’t walk out
- In exchange for a reward – If there’s something your teen wants (permission to go to a party, new headphones, etc.), offer this as a reward for talking to you
- In a neutral place – don’t try to talk to your teen in their bedroom, or preferred hanging out spot, as they will feel like you’re encroaching on their territory too much
You know your teen best, so choose a time when they will be most receptive.
Remember to Listen
As a parent, you expect some resistance to a subject like residential treatment, but don’t dismiss it. Listen to their complaints. Give your teen some time to voice their opinion. No one likes hearing that they need help, and your teen is no different. Be tactful, and stay calm. If you feel yourself becoming irritated or about to raise your voice, postpone the conversation and leave the room. Ensure you leave calmly, and try not to leave your teen thinking they’ve upset you, even if they have.
Another positive thing you can do for your teen is to ask them for questions and concerns. Pay attention to everything they’re anxious or curious about. You can use this as a jumping-off point to do some research together. On the other hand, candid discussions about their behaviour can sometimes lead to an outpouring of emotion, which can help you discover why they are struggling.
Behavioural Treatment at Venture Academy
Treatment programs come in many shapes and sizes. At Venture Academy, we offer a wide range of effective programs, including:
- 30 day assessment and intervention
- Behavioural treatment
- Drug and Alcohol Treatment
- School programs and education
- Electronic addiction treatment
Your teen will engage in a support package with academics at its heart. Our staff are highly qualified and always have the time to listen to your teen. Alongside the treatment program, your child will attend classes, participate in activities, and make new friends. We encourage peer support, so your child can socialize normally while being removed from situations that fuel negative behaviours.
Don’t struggle alone. At Venture Academy, we understand how distressing it is to see your child engaging in destructive habits. If you want to talk about behavioural treatment for your teen, call Venture Academy at 866.762.2211 today.