teens and opioids

Teens and Opioid Abuse

The opioid epidemic has had far-reaching consequences that have affected the lives of many people. Unfortunately, the wide reach of this addiction may mean that your teen could be struggling with opioid abuse. Most individuals are not equipped to handle the high level of care that detoxing from opioids may require. Therefore, your teen may…

Adderall addiction

The Effects of Adderall Addiction

Adderall is a prescription amphetamine that is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, studies show there is an increasing number of young adults that are misusing Adderall. Misuse of Adderall is to get high and increase focus. Concerningly, this can cause an addiction. Ultimately, drug addiction treatment may be needed to address this…


Risks of Self-Medication

There are many reasons why people self-medicate. Often people turn to self-medication to relieve stress, anxiety, unresolved trauma, and depression. Teens, in particular, self-medicate for a variety of reasons, including attention-deficit disorder (ADD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and anxiety disorders. Additional reasons are attempting to treat chronic pain or illness and peer pressure. Ultimately, self-medication…

drug experimentation

The Dangers of Drug Experimentation

Experimenting with drugs can lead to dangerous health issues, problems with relationships, financial issues, and legal troubles. While most substance abuse can take time to become an addiction, some substances can take just one use to form a physical addiction. This means that your teen will experience withdrawal symptoms after using the drug one time.…

underage drinking statistics

Underage Drinking Statistics

The dangers of teen drinking can cause extensive damage in the lives of teens and their parents. Underage drinking statistics indicate that teen drinking can lead to serious financial and legal problems. When this is paired with the fact that many teen drinkers grow up to become lifelong drinkers, drinking can also lead to serious…