Our Model

Venture Academy provides highly structured residential treatment, intensive counselling, educational and support services for male and female troubled teens ages 13 to 18, who are experiencing difficulties managing their lives at home, at school, or in the community.

Venture Academy provides treatment programming for troubled teens from across Canada who may have a history of family difficulties, school suspensions, negative peer relationships, problem online gaming, texting and social media, clinically diagnosed disorders and other significant behavioural challenges.

Individualized Services

During the admission process parents are asked to submit a confidential application in order for Venture Academy to determine the child’s strengths, needs, interests and abilities which assists Venture Academy to assess suitability for the program.

This information as well as the psychological assessment results from the 30-day program, is the basis which Venture Academy will establish goals, determine service objectives and develop an individual plan of action for your child, approved by you, as parents. The Therapeutic Treatment Plan guides Venture Academy’s approach and intervention methods with your child while in the program.

Family as Priority

Venture Academy is a family-centred program. You as parents are included every step of the way. Venture Academy listens to you. Your family values are taken into consideration. You are part of the process. We work hand in hand with you as part of the process. Without your love and care, your child would not be getting help through us in the first place. We know that and attach a high degree of importance to your commitment to your child and the rest of your family. Our team works cooperatively with you from the start. You are included in weekly calls. Visits to the program to see your child and the clinical staff are arranged and implemented. Home visits are also encouraged as family relationships are rebuilt and your child progresses through the program. The parent-child attachment relationship as outlined in the book Hold On to Your Kids by Dr. Gordon Neufeld is at the foundation of our approach.

Schoolhouse / Campus

Programming is a blend of individualized therapy, small group processes, education and treatment delivered through the clinically comprehensive Venture Academy infrastructure. Keeping family reunification in mind, our approach is holistic in nature. We believe in developing the whole person.
During the day students attend the schoolhouse or campus where they participate in a variety of scheduled activites which may include therapy with his or her assigned therapist, schooling in the classroom setting, counselling and skill building sessions in small groups, fitness and recreation activities in the community, etc. Other interventions may take place during the day as well, such as support from milieu / treatment staff, crisis intervention, individualized attention/support, medical appintments, calls with parents, etc.

A continuum of personal growth modules and practical experiential learning sessions targeting essential developmental skills is implemented. Counselling and skill building sessions may include emotional growth support, education exploration, and possible work force exposure.
After the school day is over students return to their host home where they can refocus on family participation, which is critical for the return-to-home plan. Self-care expectations and daily living tasks are monitored and supported.

We support young people in developing and implementing strategies that improve their everyday functioning and have an ongoing positive impact on the quality of their lives.

We focus on solutions, skill building and positive behavioral change.

four smiling girls in nature exhibit a behaviour treatment youth profile

Youth Profile

a mom with her daughter and a counselor go over the behaviour treatment program description

Behaviour Treatment Program Description

Admissions Information


a girl and professional man with papers work out behaviour treatment clinical services fees

Fees/Clinical Services

a boy paddleboards in the middle of a lake during behaviour treatment recreation
