Education and earning school credit is an important part of our summer semester. Students have the opportunity to make up for lost time and get back on track with their schooling. Our low student-to-teacher ratio facilitates a highly interactive approach to teaching that promotes success and provides the students with a sense of confidence and achievement that may have been lacking.
Multifaceted Approach
An educational assessment and interdisciplinary teamwork, as well as a psychological and emotionally supportive environment, provide the structure needed to achieve identified educational goals. Research indicates that learning and academic performance is optimized when the body is in good physical condition and there is a balance of “brainwork” and physical activity. While academics and other cognitive activities typically take place most of the day, we also allocate time for physical engagement, including a variety of fitness or recreation oriented activities.
Other Learning Opportunities
Alongside the academic agenda, learning takes place in the program in other formats as well. Teens are learning better and more helpful forms of communication, learning to solve problems, learning to work together as a team during skill-building activities and fun initiative tasks and trust-building exercises.
Although most parents choose ud for it, earning school credit is not a prerequisite for engagement our Summer Semester. Our Summer Semester is often chosen for the supervision and therapeutic benefits provided independent of any official academics achievement. Please call us for details.
Don’t consider your child a “troubled teen”? No problem. Our summer semester is not restricted to those with serious challenges but rather considered a therapeutic environment for a wide range of Canadian students.
Call Today: 1-866-762-2211